Friday, April 9, 2010

Fast-Talking Friday

Hey guys!

How's your day been going? Or your week, if you're feeling extra talkative. :)

I've been having a rough week, my cat had been missing for 7 days.

I had an entirely different post written for today, but less than 3 hours ago, I found my cat! She got out (she's an indoor cat, supposed to be anyway) and has been gone for 7 days. My boyfriend's best friend (who is my FAVORITE person in the world now!) had called my boyfriend 3 times while we were sleeping. His calls were ignored and he was knocking on the window (because he lives right across the street from my boyfriend) and my boyfriend's mom is like.. Jose's seen the cat! I immediately freaked out and grabbed a flashlight, cell phone, her treat bottle and ran outside with Jose (my boyfriend stayed in his room sleeping, because he has been REALLY pessimistic throughout the WHOLE process). We heard her bell jingling where Jose had seen her. She was right by this Asian house. I saw that they were watching a Korean show, but it has the option to change it into Chinese (either Cantonese or Mandarin) so I was trying to figure out which dialect the guy spoke. So, I'm Chinese-American, btw, if I haven't mentioned that before. :)

I mean, he opened the door, I knocked and called out "excuse me" and he was peeking through the window, like.. who are these crazy kids??? I asked him to check in his backyard for her and he said he didn't see anything. I heard the bell again and then I started shaking the treat bottle and I saw this REALLY small cat come out with a collar and a bell. I shined the flashlight in her direction and verified that it was her. I was so relieved and I threw half the bottle of treats onto the sidewalk, trying to get her to eat it. SHE WAS SUPER THIN. It took me 3 tries to catch her, I was literally on the ground pleading with her and I just grabbed her and didn't let go. Thank goodness that Jose was standing a little bit further away and didn't scare her. He grabbed the flashlight and the treat bottle and we brought her home. Everyone was so glad to see her. She was so missed.

I don't think that she had food in the last week. She looked anorexic. I felt so bad. We immediately gave her a bunch of food and water and she started gobbling away.

I'm sorry that this is so long, but just one more thing.

Just a note on the blog:

This is a completely open and honest blog and I don't want anyone to censor themselves (and I will not censor you unless you're posting links to things without explaining what they are/what it is for). I understand that by putting my life out there, that I will get both positive and negative responses and I'm extremely open-minded about hearing people's thoughts and opinions.

If you think it's getting boring or my ideas are unoriginal or if the drama is childish or if you're tired of hearing about certain people, feel free to tell me. I'll definitely take what you say into consideration. :)

Again, sorry that this is so long and mostly about my cat, but she's my little girl and she's back home. SO, HAPPY HAPPY Happy Friday! :]


DDgirl said...

glad the cat's back and safe!

Jayjay0jt said...

Thanks so much! I'm on cloud 9 right now. :)

mum said...

I'm not a fan of cats, but obviously yours is very important to you so I'm glad you found her.

Regarding my week - totally busy. We have two kids, girl 10 and boy 5. Both are playing softball/tball at different fields and practice on the same nights. The girl has girl scouts on a different night and last night was an event at school. I'm exhausted!


Jayjay0jt said...

I completely understand, Mum. I'm more of a dog person, but my boyfriend wanted a cat. I'm an enabler, so we got a cat.

Oh my goodness, that's crazy! How do you do it? Your kids are lucky to have you as a mom. :]

The weekend is coming up and you can get a bit of rest, maybe munch on some of those delicious girl scouts cookies! :)

Meg. said...

Aww I'm so glad your kitty is ok! That is so scary. I have 2 indoor cats (well they're at my former home in OK and the bf is going to ship 1 of them to me) and I would be devastated if one got out and went missing. LOL and you saw my post so you know how my week has been =/ My family is trying to be supportive but I'm still holding out hope that he'll change his mind and let me come home, ya know?

Jayjay0jt said...

I took her to the vet today and he said she was ok. But, the thing is, she got out when she was in heat. He said, most likely, she's pregnant and REALLY early in the pregnancy because he couldn't feel any kittens. Here's hoping that she has anywhere between 1 to 3 kittens and not 8.

I really hope your cat gets to you safe and sound.

I'm sending good energy, vibes, and hope in your direction. I hope that he changes his mind or if he doesn't, that there is no additional drama.

But no matter what happens, everything will be ok. You have your family, friends, your sweetie cat, and the people here to support you. :)