Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Out of the Blue

Taylor has been really nice to me lately. I can tell that he has been trying really hard to get back on my good side. For the last couple days, he drove me to and from school and he cooked me breakfast because he knows I skip it sometimes. He took me on a midnight picnic last night to make up for the both of us fighting on our two month anniversary. He was being really sweet and it was getting hard to stay mad at him.

He was being really patient. He was letting me learning to trust him again at my own pace. He wasn't pushing me or asking me every five minutes if I trusted him yet. I thought it was sweet how he was just giving me my space. He just keeps telling me that he loved me, but he didn't push me to say it back to him.

So, when he dropped me off in front of Bella today, he gave me a sweet kiss goodbye. I almost floated into work because I was so happy. I decided that going with the flow is the best thing ever!

I put my things in my locker and I punched in, starting on the big mess of things that was piling on top of the counter. I looked around, noticing that the store was empty except for me and Zoey.

"So, how was your break, Zoe?" I asked her. "Did you do anything fun?"

"Not really," she said, sadly. "I was working the whole time, but that just equals more money for college." She smiled.

"That's true," I said. Then I had an excellent idea. "Hey! How about we have a girl's day?"

"That sounds really good, actually," she admitted. "Let's do it!"

We were busily chattering and making plans when we heard the front door open. I looked up to greet our customer and I was surprised to see that it was Adam. I must have looked like a deer in headlights because Zoey nudged me in the ribs- hard.

"Have I told you that he's really cute?" she whispered to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Gross," I whispered back to her.

I don't really know why, but I was jealous of the way Zoey was checking Adam out. She was practically drooling over him. She was fixing her hair and fixing her clothes, trying to make sure she looked her best. Adam was too busy looking our jewelry selection to notice us talking about him.

I turned away from Zoey and pushed the jealousy aside. There should be no reason why I'm jealous of Zoey. Adam's not my boyfriend, he's my friend. I have an amazing boyfriend who happens to love me. I was just being overprotective of Adam. Yeah, overprotective.

I continued folding the clothes that were on the counter. I was wondering why Adam was looking at jewelry. Who was he buying jewelry for? I mean, guys don't usually buy jewelry for girls unless they're in a relationship or related. Does he have a girlfriend? Is that who he's buying the jewelry for?

"Hey, Court," Zoey whispered to me.

"Yeah, Zoe?" I whispered.

"Would it be ok, if I asked him out? I know you guys are close friends or something, would it be weird for you if I asked him out?" she asked, softly. "I mean, if it's weird, I won't make a move."

I wanted to tell her that it was not ok. I wanted to tell her that Adam is off limits. I wanted to tell her that I didn't want her to be seeing Adam. I wanted to tell her what happened between Adam and I. But, I was a chicken. Besides, she deserves a good guy after the way Cody treated her.

"No, it's fine," I told her. I faked a smile. "Go ahead."

"Ok, I'm going to see if he needs help," she told me. "Wish me luck!"

"Good luck, Zoe," I told her. I felt really fake. But, I really had no reason to stop Zoey from asking Adam out.

I started putting clothes away, just letting Zoey and Adam have their space while talking at our jewelry section. I tried to ease my mind. Maybe he won't even say yes. Even if he does, what's one date? There's no harm in that.

I was so consumed with thought that I lost track of time. Zoey walked back to me looking really excited. She looked like she was going to explode with happiness.

"He said yes!" she exclaimed softly.

Oh, great!


mum said...

Come on Court. It's just a date, and Taylor is being so great. Let Adam be, PLEASE!! mum

Alicia said...

I agree with Mum. And anyways, Court can't really call him a friend if she chose her boyfriend over him. I think she just needs to move on from the past. How? I have no idea

Stephanie said...

I don't know if Taylor is so great, afterall he did cheat on Farrah twice to be with Courtney and lied to Courtney about it. After that I am kinda iffy on him, but at least he's trying.

But I do agree that it is just a date. But I think things are going to get really interesting at work.

Jayjay0jt said...

Mum- I know that it's just a date, but there's that whole.. you shouldn't date my best friend ordeal because it's awkward.

Alicia- I don't know if she can move on from the past when the past is staring her in the face. I think she might have to wait until college or something.

Stephanie- I agree with you. He's on the watch list, even though he's trying really hard. If he can't move on from his ex-es, well.. I'm not sure what is going to happen.