Friday, August 27, 2010

Fast-Talking Friday

Hey guys!

How has your week been? I can't believe it's Friday already.

My week has been crazy. It's the last week of summer and I head back to school on Monday. I'm super excited for my classes! :) So, I have about 3 days left to enjoy my summer and spend as much time as I can with my boyfriend and my cat. Our schedules are kind of flopped for school (him mornings, me in the afternoon/night) and yeah.

I have exciting news!.. I got the job! :) My orientation is today! I'm super excited! I'm not sure what I'll be doing for how much, but I got the job! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! My boyfriend and I have money to move out in 3 to 4 years!

My presidency at my Honors program has been a little shaky. Our first event was the picnic and only a couple of people showed up out of everyone who RSVPed. I'm worried that no one is going to want to do anything or try to be active this semester. My two right hand men ditched me. One said "yes" to coming and the other one said "maybe". Irritating.

Oh, for the record.. one of my right hand men who flaked.. had the nerve to say that we should have a vote to get someone to fill in for me because I'm going to be busy with my job. Who else is going to fill in that's as motivated as I am about bring the program off of the ground? It's so hard to stay positive when everyone else (even the coordinator, a little bit)is like "I don't really give a crap."

I can't do everything by myself.. It's not possible, especially for the events. My determination is dwindling.. just because I know that I won't have the manpower to push everything I want to get done this semester, let alone this year.

Sorry that this is so long, I needed to get some things off my chest.

Happy Friday! :)

PS. The schedule is still going to be weird for a little bit longer. I promise that it will go back to normal soon. By soon, in a week.. or two. :)

5 comments: said...

congrats on getting the job :)

as for the honors program it sucks when no one else seems to care :(

Stephanie said...

Congrats on getting the job!

It sucks when one person has to do EVERYTHING and no one else pitches in. Also sad when the people who falke on you all of a sudden question your leadership. What a putz!

Jayjay0jt said...

Sorry that I've been really bad with the comment answering. The week before school starts has been crazy! :(

Sweetcanadian- Thanks!

It does suck, only because our communication isn't open. Mostly because of his actions. :(

Stephanie- Thanks!

I just thought that it was funny. I thought that he was kidding when he said that to me. He wasn't. Oh well.. Can't wait to see what happens when school starts on Monday. :D

Have a good weekend guys! :)

Alicia said...

Congrats on the job!!! and to think you were

As for your "right hand men" well one is a jerk for maybeing an rsvp, but at least he was honest and you knew there was a possiblity that he wouldn't show up. As for the other person, well he is a jerk. i hope you ripped him a new one!

As for the club in general, you just need to have a meeting with everyone and inspire them to be as motivated as you. I know you can do it, especially since you're already passionate about it.

I start school monday too..where did the summer go? but i know you'll do fine!

Jayjay0jt said...

Alicia- Thanks! :D

I'm not mad at the one who said maybe. But then again.. he said maybe and then said he'll bring the water balloons. I'm more mad at his dad for saying "yes for sure". I'm not really surprised because well.. they've flaked before? I'm trying not to seem insane by unleashing the uncontrollable screaming ripping him a new one. :)

Our first meeting is on the second week of school, maybe third. So, I'll be trying to motivate everyone. I think we're used to the "right hand man's" presidential leadership from the last semester (which was basically him being MIA for the whole semester). If anything, I'll bring donuts for a bribe!

Good luck in your classes! I'm super excited for school on Monday. Are you excited? :D