Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When You're Going to San Francisco

It had been two days since anyone has seen either Justin or Sarah.

After Justin had left, Haylie, Henry, and I had sat in the living room waiting for him to get back to the reception. The minutes had turned into hours and no one had heard back from him. I had tried calling him, but all I got was his voice mail. I left a couple of voice mails pleading him to come back to the house, but they were left unanswered.

But thankfully, his parents just called me to let me know that he was ok. Justin had called his parents letting them know that he was safe He explained to them that he needed to get away from everything because everything reminded him of Sarah. I felt a rush of relief when his parents had called me to let me know that he was fine. I immediately called Henry and Haylie (who will relay the information to Adam) to tell them the wonderful news. They are going to be so relieved.

Guess where he is? He's staying at a hotel in San Francisco. He traveled all the way to San Francisco to get away from Beachside. I was a little angry at Justin for not returning anyone's calls when he was nice and comfortable in a hotel in San Francisco while we were all worried sick about him. I tried to think positively. At least he's ok.

Apparently, he didn't go find Sean, whoever Sean was. Justin went home to take a duffel bag full of clothes and drove off to San Francisco.

Sarah's parents were extremely worried about her. They were relieved that Justin was safe and sound, but there was still no signs of Sarah.

Unfortunately, she had left her cell phone behind when she ran off. We had no way of contacting her. Henry and I went to all of her favorite places in town (and some closely out of town) but no one remembered seeing her in the last two or three days. We gave up searching for her (for now) because we knew that there was nothing we could do about it because she was the one who left.

Henry and I decided to drive up to San Francisco to be there for Justin. Haylie declined the invitation to tag along and Adam.. Well, Adam was busy entertaining Zoey. They've been all over each other since they had gotten back together. It was disgusting, really, to see all that PDA.

"It's nice that we're taking a road trip together," I said to Henry as we passed by a sign indicating that we're 30-something miles away from San Francisco. "Too bad that it's under these circumstances."

"I promise we'll go on a nice road trip together one day," he said with a smile. "Maybe when all of this blows over." I grinned.

Half an hour later, we arrived at the hotel that Justin was staying at. It took a lot of coaxing and lies, but we managed to get the receptionist to give us Justin's room number. I don't really want to talk about it, but let me tell you, it involved a lot of leg.

We got into the elevator and I pushed the number 3. Justin was staying in room 310. I watched as the number jumped from L to 1, 1 to 2, and finally 2 to 3. The doors opened and we got off the elevator. I pointed to the right, where the sign said room 310 would be, and Henry and I followed the hallway until we reached the room marked 310.

But before I could raise my hand to knock on the door, the door opened. A drop dead gorgeous brunette stepped out wearing a really short dress with a super low cut that revealed a lot of cleavage. She gave us a strange look and proceeded to walk down the hallway, towards the elevators. She didn't notice that she had left the door open.

I peeked inside and it appeared that the coast was clear. Henry and I went inside, calling Justin's name. Justin stepped out of the walk-in closet.

"Henry? Courtney? What are you guys doing here?" he asked us, confused.

"We came here to be there for you," I said, giving him a hug.

"Who was that girl that just left?" Henry asked him. Justin looked embarrassed and looked away.

"She was a girl that I met at the bar last night," he mumbled. "I don't remember what happened. I've been drinking a lot in the last two days." Henry patted him on the back.

"Come on, let's go downstairs to get something to eat," Henry said to him. "We haven't eaten lunch yet and we're starving." Henry and Justin walked into the hallway.

I heard my phone ring in my purse and I scrambled to find it.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Courtney, it's me," It was unmistakable. It was Sarah.

"Sarah, where are you?" I asked her, worriedly.

"I'm in New York," she said.


mum said...

In the third paragraph, I think you wanted to say Henry and Haylie, not Sarah.

Glad they heard from Justin and he's OK. I wonder what the heck Sarah is doing in NY! mum

Alicia said...

NY...what the heck?!

I liked it, too bad Justin has turned into a heartbroken slut

Stephanie said...

Don't know if I would say Justin is alright. He is drowing his sorrows in alcohol and random women. I feel for the guy and understand why he is but I would hate for him to do something really stupid that he can't take back.

And Sarah is on the other side of the country!!

Jayjay0jt said...

Mum- Ooops. Thanks for catching that. Already changed. :)

Alicia- He's not a heartbroken slut. More of a man whore. :)

Stephanie- Yeah, I wouldn't say that he's alright either. Maybe he's trying doing all the things that he couldn't do when he was with Sarah.