Monday, November 9, 2009

I Love Your Girl

Logan and I were in my room. We were supposed to be studying, but somehow, that turned into an all out make out session. I couldn't help but get lost in his kisses. I always get lightheaded and woozy every time he puts his lips onto mine. Somewhere between the kisses, Logan had lost his shirt and his pants were unzipped. He had slipped his hands under my shirt and made his way up. I heard a noise out the window. I immediately jerked up.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Logan asked, mildly confused.

"I heard something out the window," I said, getting up. I walked to my window and peeked outside. OMG. It was Taylor. "OMG. This is not happening."

"What is it, babe?" Logan asked me. He walked over to the window and looked outside. "Who's he?"

"Taylor," I said. "Get dressed, honey, and meet me downstairs?" He nodded and gave me a kiss.

I walked downstairs as slowly as possible. I knew that if I rushed downstairs and let Taylor come in, he could do something to jeopardize my relationship with Logan. But, I knew that I had to deal with the problem now, rather than later. It's best to do it now with Logan here with me. I opened the door and let Taylor in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I noticed that he was carrying a dozen red roses.

"I'm here to ask you to forgive me, Court," he said. "Please forgive me, I want to be with you. I love you with all my heart and all I want to do is to make you happy. I love your laugh. I love your smile. I love your sense of reality. I love everything about you. Will you please give me a second chance? I will keep begging until you do. I love you."

Of course, Taylor said all of this when Logan was coming downstairs. Logan exploded.

"Dude, who do you think you are?" he demanded. "Why are you here harassing my girlfriend?"

"No, dude, she's my girlfriend," Taylor said, clenching his teeth. OMG. This isn't happening. Please please please tell me that this isn't happening.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I yelled.

They both were silent.

"Whoa," Taylor mumbled under his breath.

"You!" I pointed at Taylor. "I am done with you. I've been done with you. I don't want to be with you. I don't love you. I want you to leave me alone. You have been doing this whole stalker thing and it's getting old. I've moved on. I'm dating Logan. He's my boyfriend. We're happy together. How dare you come into my house and tell my boyfriend that I'm your girlfriend! I hate you. Move on with your life."

He looked like he was about to cry. At that moment, I felt sorry for him. He has a lot of problems. He was an only child and was used to getting what he wanted. I guess he only wanted me when he couldn't have me. I sighed and softened my tone.

"Taylor, please leave," I told him. I went to open the door. He reluctantly left. I locked the door behind me. I knew that it wasn't the end of Taylor. I know that he'll come back when Logan isn't around.

"What was that all about?" Logan asked me. He was angry.

"Can we sit down for this one?" I asked him. He nodded.

I told him everything about Taylor and I. I told him about taking him from Farrah. I told him that I lost my virginity to him. I told him that he had cheated on me. It was a long talk, but it was necessary.

"I just want to tell you that I have absolutely no feelings for him whatsoever, baby," I told him. "You're the one I'm with. You're that one I want to be with."

Logan seemed calmer. I don't think he was still angry with me.

"I want to be with you too," he told me.

He pressed his lips onto mine and I enjoyed a sweet kiss.


Alicia said...

Taylor is one delusional character

K said...

I'm wondering if Adam made things seem far worse than they were and played a bigger part in the break up than we know

Jayjay0jt said...

Alicia- yes, he is very delusional! I think that he's just lonely. :)

Karen- maybe, maybe not. we'll see. =P